3 Main Steps of the Case Simulations:
The goal of the case simulation is to enable the physicians to convey their experience about the topic while solving the cases inspired by real life.
In this way, the activity will let them to get the message at the end through a concrete example. This makes it easier for new messages to be found in memory.
3 Main Steps of the Case Simulations:
Case Preparation:
Case is designed with your educational & promotional needs by a KOL.
The physician shares the case with Casemice, which could be in any file format .
Case Submission:
Casemice makes this data suitable for the simulation and educational needs.
Cases uploaded in to the platform for Company & KOL approval. The case is now ready to be shared online or at round table meetings.
In case simulation meetings, Doctors examine the patient cases which were uploaded on web or IOS platform.
This takes about 8-10 min per case. They go through all the necessary steps from physical examination to diagnosis and their treatment behavior reported without personal information.